Love Among Thieves (1987, TV-Movie)


A concert pianist (Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany’s) is forced to rob a precious Faberge egg by a gang of criminals who are holding the pianist’s boyfriend hostage. She is assisted by a mysterious stranger (Robert Wagner, The Pink Panther) who has his own personal agenda.

Reaction & Thoughts:

Love Among Thieves is a 1930s comedy-mystery, 1980s style. The film has humor, mystery and plenty of romance, but somehow fails to hit the bull’s eye. It’s deliciously quaint, but ultimately ordinary and unmemorable. Audrey Hepburn and co-star Robert Wagner pretty much save the movie from being a total snooze.

Today, Love Among Thieves is better known as Hepburn’s very last starring role. Hepburn looks as if she is having fun (she does look too thin) and Wagner also seems to be enjoying himself. It’s too bad that the script isn’t as good as it should be.

The teleplay, by Stephen Black and Henry Stern, is weak. I did like how the movie constantly alludes to Hepburn’s most iconic movie moments. If you are a fan of the actress, and have seen most of her movies, you’ll be able to recognize the movie references — it’s all done in a tongue-in-cheek manner and since this is Hepburn’s last starring role, it seems like a fun way to end her glorious career.

Doesn’t it look familiar? 

Personally, I thought Hepburn and Wagner were great together. The actors are very charming as a pair of bickering would-be lovers. Unfortunately, the truly ridiculous plot bogs down the film. After a strong start, there are moments when the movie begins to lose its way, but as I said before, Hepburn and Wagner are such a cute couple that I was willing to overlook the moments that don’t work.

Other actors are good too: Samantha Eggar (The Collector) plays Hepburn’s best friend and Belgian character actor Patrick Bauchau (Clear and Present Danger) plays Hepburn’s boyfriend. The late Jerry Orbach (Lennie Briscoe in TV’s Law & Order) plays a mystery-man who chases Hepburn everywhere.

Conclusions & Final Thoughts:

While it doesn’t offer any real surprises, Love Among Thieves is an okay romantic-comedy laced with mystery. There is also an element of finality that fans of Hepburn will love. She did one more movie, Steven Spielberg’s 1989 romantic drama, Always (essentially a glorified cameo), but Love Among Thieves works just fine as a farewell-movie — it’s a wink at Hepburn’s fans. Color, 100 minutes, Not Rated.

This is my contribution to The Audrey Hepburn Blogathon, hosted by Sister Celluloid.

7 responses to “Love Among Thieves (1987, TV-Movie)

  1. It’s a shame this film doesn’t sound as good as Audrey Hepburn fans would hope for it to be, but I love the idea of references throughout it to her career. (That screenshot of her in the red dress made me smile.) Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Audrey at 90: The Salute to Audrey Hepburn Blogathon Has Arrived! | Sister Celluloid·

  3. Even though is it only okay, I hope I can see this TV movie soon, as I’m a fan of both Audrey and Wagner. They certainly look like a charming couple, and spotting the references to some of her early movies will be fun anyway.
    Thanks for the kind comment!

    Liked by 1 person

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